The Canadian Provost Corps
1939 - 1946

Formation Patches

  Below are typical examples of the formation patches worn on the uniform sleeves by Provost units during the Second World War. As with most cloth insignia, there are many differences in shades, materials, and construction.

Canadian Active Service Force Overseas

Canadian Military Headquarters


Location: London
Units attached: Nos. 1 through 7 Provost detachments, No. 6 (Area) Provost Coy, No. 7 Provost Coy, No. 9 Provost Coy.
Theatre of Operations England - Scotland.

First Canadian Army


Units attached: No. 11 Provost Coy
Theatre of Operations: England, Italy, North West Europe

1 Canadian Corps


Units attached: No. 3 Provost Coy.
Theatre of Operations: England, Sicily, Italy, North West Europe

2 Canadian Corps


Units attached: No. 13 Provost Coy
Theatre of Operations:England, Italy, North West Europe

1st Canadian Infantry Division


Units attached: No. 1 Provost Coy (RCMP)
Theatre of Operations: Sicily, Italy, North West Europe.

2nd Canadian Infantry Division


Units attached: No. 2 Provost Coy.
Theatre of Operations: Dieppe, Normandy, North West Europe.

3rd Canadian Infantry Division


Units attached: No. 4 Provost Coy.
Theatre of Operations: England, Normandy Landing, North West Europe.

4th Canadian Armoured Division


Units attached: No. 8 Provost Coy.
Theatre of Operations: England, Normandy, North West Europe

Note: The Distinguishing patch with a red rectangle has long been regarded by some collectors as a patch worn by members of the Canadian Provost Corps. There has been no evidence found in Dress Regulations or period photographs to confirm this theory. A similar patch for the 5th Canadian Armoured Division has also been seen. The use of these patches by Provost is entirely speculative.

5th Canadian Armoured Division


Units attached: No. 5 Provost Coy.
Theatre of Operations: Italy, North West Europe

1 Canadian Armoured Brigade


Units attached:Brigade Provost Section
Theatre of Operations: Italy, North West Europe

2 Canadian Armoured Brigade


Units attached:Brigade Provost Section
Theatre of Operations: Normandy Landing, North West Europe.

Corps Troops
21st Army Group


Units attached: No. 1 Special Investigation Section, Nos. 2,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Lines of Communication Sections
Theatre of Operations: Italy, North West Europe

Home War Establishments - Canada

6th Division


7th Division


8th Division


Atlantic Command



Pacific Command


For a more detailed study of Canadian formation patches consultMilitary Artifact UpClose #1 - Distinguishing Patches - Formation Patches of the Canadian Army availible fromService Publications.

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