Canadian Forces Military Police

Fallen In The Line Of Duty
Or While On Active Service

In The Line of Duty

Police Officer's Prayer To Saint Michael
Dear Saint Michael, Heaven's glorious Commissioner of Police, who once so neatly and successfully cleared God's premises of all its undesirables, look with kindly and professional eye on your earthly force.
Give us cool heads, stout hearts, hard punches, and an uncanny flair for investigation and wise judgment.
Make us the terror of burglars, the friend of children and law-abiding citizens, kind to strangers, polite to bores, strict with law-breakers and impervious to temptations. In trouble and riots give us sheer muscle without any thought of self.
You know, dear Saint Michael, from your own experience with the devil, that the police officer's lot on earth is not always a happy one; but your own sense of duty that so pleased God, your hard knocks that so surprised the devil, and your angelic self-control give us inspiration.
Make us as loyal to the law of God as we are particular about the law of the land. And when we lay down our batons, enroll us in your Heavenly Force, where we will be as proud to guard the throne of God as we have been to guard the city of men.

Corporal Stephen D. Gibson
1974 - 2003

Corporal Matthew David James Dinning
1983 - 2006

Corporal Randy Payne
1973 - 2006

Corporal Brendan Anthony Downey
1972 - 2008

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